Zeleo allows you to tie together software services and devices to either automate their interaction or to generate and maintain workflows for a team of people. This documentation will explain how you can use the Zeleo platform with a software product that is not available in the Zeleo client.

At the high level, Zeleo accepts events as a flat JSON file, which is what we call the Event. The UI exposes a simple logic editor to specify a Condition for that event. If that condition is true, any Consequences will execute. A Consequence can be an internal action, like assigning a task, or firing an event in another system in the form of a webhook.

In order to make this happen, a simple service needs to stand between the system with which you wish to integrate and Zeleo to consume the API of that system, fire any events, and receive webhook consequence events from Zeleo.

Zeleo Service Design

This service can be hosted anywhere and written in any language you prefer; the entire system is REST-based so the technology selection is up to you.